Rank your business through seo website audit services

seo website audit services
Is your site healthy? This is the question that can be answered by the technical audit, and website seo website audit services which establishes a diagnosis of the technical structure of your site. This is a priority area for natural referencing and an essential base to enable the effectiveness of other seo levers: content and net linking strategy.
Table of Contents
The challenges of the seo website audit services are multiple
- understand the site and its structure;
- allow search engines to access all strategic content;
- make them come back more frequently (increase crawl frequency).
To do this, experts are implementing a range of measures aimed at:
- propose prioritized corrective actions
- analyze blocking/weak points
- check the correct implementation of the recommendations
- monitor the evolution of performance following corrections.
What is a technical audit?
The analysis and technical optimization of a seo website audit services audit services constitute one of the three priority areas to follow to optimize its natural referencing as part of a complete seo strategy:
Technical optimizations
Content: seo keyword audit service
Off-site popularity (net linking)
The seo technical audit services consists of analyzing specific elements on a seo website audit services site audit services site. The audit highlights the blocking points that slow down the passage and proper understanding of your pages by search engines. The document contains, on the one hand, a summary of the blocking points identified and, on the other hand, a list of recommendations to put in place for better interpretation and better indexing of your content by search engines.
Why do a technical audit?
Search engines have a very specific operation when it comes to exploring and indexing the pages of a seo website audit services audit services site audit services site. Certain technical prerequisites are essential for a good interpretation of your content. Unfortunately, not all seo website audit services audit services site audit services sites are developed with these elements in mind. The site does not regularly comply with the fundamental principles of seo either because of the cms (content management system) used, the chosen theme, or even the developer’s knowledge, who is not necessarily trained in particular concepts. Natural referencing.
A well-structured and visually beautiful site does not necessarily comply with the principles of seo!
It is, therefore, necessary to have a seo technical audit services of your site carried out to ensure that strategic content is easily accessible, that its structure is compliant, that pages load quickly, etc.
When to do a technical seo audit?
The seo technical audit services of the site can be carried out at any time. On the other hand, you will have to be careful when putting the modifications into production.
Before the new site goes into production
If the site is being developed in a pre-production environment and is not yet online, this is the best time to conduct the technical audit and corrections. The site is (theoretically) not yet known to search engines. It is, therefore, wise to correct the site before making it public. This allows search engines to crawl a site that already complies with seo principles.
During the site redesign phase
When the site is being redesigned, and big changes are planned for the new version, the time is ideal for a seo technical audit services.
Depending on seasonality, more than 3 months before a period of high activity
A seo technical audit services can result in many changes to the site. Search engines need some time to consider these sometimes profound changes and adapt their index and ranking. This period may vary depending on the site, but it is generally accepted that corrections are taken into account within three months of being put online. During this period of several months, we can observe greater or lesser fluctuations in the indexing and positioning of the pages. This is why it is important not to put corrections online during or just before a busy period on the site (private sales, sales, registration period, etc.) At the risk of losing part of the qualified traffic at best. Moment.
What are the most important technical elements for seo?
The tag<title>
It is one of the most important and frequently cited tags for seo optimization. The tag <title>is used to indicate the page’s title. It does not appear in the page’s content but is visible in the chr tab and search engine results pages. It allows them to understand the theme of the page. The tag <title>is essential and must be unique from one page to another. It must describe the content of the page using the seo keyword audit service you want to position this page.
Example :
<title>rankify seo agency</title>
The tag<h1>
It corresponds to the editorial title of the page. Visible in the content, this title is the page’s main title. The page’s content is as best as possible using the appropriate seo keyword audit service
The h1 tag must:
- must be present once and only once per page
- be unique (not duplicated from one page to another)
- describe the content of the page precisely
- contain relevant keywords
- have the same ‘meaning’ as the content of the title tag, with different but close keywords if possible
Example :
<h1>rankify seo agency </h1>
Internal networking and indexability of pages
The internal linking of a site represents all of the links created within the site.
The link is a determining element for good seo because it allows you to create access to the most important pages.
The principles to remember with internal networking:
- important content must be accessible via hyperlinks
- the content must be accessible in a minimum of clicks, and the site must have reasonable depth
- the anchor of internal links must be optimized (for example, for a link to a page presenting men’s sneakers, prefer a link <a href=”#”>baskets pour homme</a>to a link <a href=”#”>cliquez ici</a>)
Beware of hidden content! Some content is easily accessible to users but is invisible to search engines. This is the case for content accessible only after the validation of a form. Indeed, search engine robots cannot fill and validate form fields. It is, therefore, imperative to offer an alternative path to this content using links. Otherwise, there is a risk of not seeing it indexed by search engines.
In certain cases, when visuals have an important place in a brand’s seo website audit services audit services site audit services strategy, images are a major asset for seo. For example, images represent a strategic issue for a photographer, a luxury real estate site, or a site for purchasing works of art. They should, therefore, not be neglected during seo website audit services audit services site audit services development and must be optimized as much as possible.
How do you optimize your images for seo?
- use images at the right size: load images as much as possible at their display size in pixels (px) and not in xxl size resized in css
- optimize your images: reduce weight while preserving the same level of quality
- use multiple versions of the same image for its responsive display (thanks to the attribute srcset)
- use next-generation image formats (jpeg 2000, jpeg xr, and seo website audit services audit services site audit services)
- if the stakes are high and the images are very numerous, use a cdn for the images (be careful to configure it correctly so that they are index able)
- optimize the attribute alt=” on each important image and describe its content as you would to a visually impaired person.
- use an understandable file name that helps identify the content of the image
- do not neglect the context around the image: place the images in a context that allows search engines to understand the image (paragraph, caption, comments, etc.)