Why should you choose formula milk without soy protein?

When we think about feeding an infant, the first thought would be breastfeeding. But a lot of new parents trust baby formula these days. Formula-based milk is equally nutritious and healthy, and it also leads to the proper growth of the child. The only thing you should consider is purchasing baby formula milk without soy. This is because many babies might be intolerant to soy, and their digestive system is too sensitive to absorb this nutrient. Find from, below why not to choose a soy-based milk formula.
About soy protein
Soy protein is a healthy component generally mixed with cow’s milk. Cow milk is also consumed by humans, but many among us are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerant people are not able to digest this type of protein because of their allergy. The soy protein is made up of two polypeptides A5 and B3. The B3 polypeptide binds the protein capacity of the body and signals whether the body is soy tolerant or not. The soy-based milk formula consists of an A5-B3 glycinin molecule that causes allergic reactions in an infant’s body. If you see any of the symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, skin rash, bloating, fussiness, then your baby is lactose intolerant.
You might also wonder sometimes, why is it happening? Why is your baby allergic? Is it a major problem? There is nothing to worry about, many people face this problem. They switch their formulas if they find an issue with that. Find from the reasons below why not to choose a soy-based milk formula
Reasons to choose a soy-free milk formula
- Soy-based milk formula contains sugar which may not suit an infant’s body. An infant can only absorb 25 grams of sugar per day. A lot of sugar consumption can cause problems like obesity, tooth decay, heart disease, etc. It can also cause chronic diseases.
- Soy-based formulas contain corn enriched with carbohydrates which is sensitive for an infant’s body. The baby won’t be able to grasp corn-based milk protein.
- The soy-based protein milk contains around 600-1300 mg of mineral salt which is used in formula production.
- A soy-free milk formula can be a cure for congenital thyroidism. This is a condition in which a baby generally lacks the thyroid gland which is diagnosed in a later stage through symptoms like jaundice, excessive sleeping, and difficulty in eating. Soy-free milk can free a baby from this and increase immunity in the body.
- Say-based formula milk contains high levels of aluminum which can damage the baby’s brain and affect mass development.
- Soy milk is enriched with phytates that reduce the body’s ability to digest the nutrients in the food.
- Consumption of soy milk is harmful to a baby girl in the long-term. Research says that if a baby girl is fed a soy-milk formula until she turns 5, then she might have to undergo longer-periods during her young age, which would be painful.
- The natural cow milk formula is more beneficial than soy-based milk formula, as it only benefits health. While a soy-based milk formula can create long-term adverse health effects.
- A higher amount of soy formula drops the strength of the child and weakens the bones which drop down the weight of the baby below 4 pounds and reduce renal function.
- As mentioned above, the soy-based formula contains a high amount of sugar, then there is a possibility of having diabetes, heart disease, and other dangerous diseases in the future that can cause problems to the body.
These are the reasons why you shouldn’t choose soy-based milk formula, as it is harmful to your child in the short-term as well as long-term. So, if you wish to buy a formula that satisfies the health needs of your child then contact Littlemoonorganics to get it fulfilled.