Rice Facts: Nutrition and Health Benefits
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Want to buy premium rice online but not sure if it is diet-friendly or not? Let’s discuss a few nutritional facts and health benefits so that you can see for yourself that a rice-based diet is not unhealthy after all.
Rice diet is high in carbohydrates and low in sodium and fat. It focuses on limiting the amount of salt as well as food items that are high in sodium. The diet naturally helps de-bloat your body and reduce excess water weight. When you combine rice with low-sodium food items, it limits the number of saturated fats as well.
If you are one of those who are planning to lose weight, the rice diet follows a calorie allowance. The recommendation level at the beginning is low but slowly builds up to 1,200 to 1,500 per day (if you are not exercising daily).
Advantages of the Rice Diet
- People on a rice diet learn portion control and shift their diet towards fruits and vegetables. This kind of diet is beneficial for especially those who have a heart condition and require meals that are low in fats and sodium.
- A lot of people assume that carbohydrates are bad for health. Rice diet challenges this assumption which is really a wise thing. This is because carbohydrates are required by the body to work efficiently. Also, our brain requires glucose for fuel. Remember one thing friends; carbs = friends, not evil.
- Remember that eating the right kind of carbs in the correct portion is really important. It focuses more on complex carbs like rice, sweet potato, and oatmeal in comparison to simple carbohydrates like cake and cookies.
- If you drastically reduce or cut down the carbs, it can actually lead to problems like hunger, fatigue, and brain fog. Rice diet keeps your body fueled with complex carbs and prevents these symptoms.
Brown Rice Vs White Rice
The dilemma remains whether to eat brown or white rice. The answer is that you can eat either of them as the important thing to make sure is that it does not contain added fat or salt. Earlier white rice was common but today brown rice is trending. When you buy premium rice online, it is available in both white and brown options. Brown rice is not processed and includes more nutrients and fibers in comparison to white rice. If you want to eat completely unprocessed meals, go for brown rice.
Rice Water Benefits
Apart from adding rice to your diet, its water benefits hair, face, and skin in several ways. Rice water is filled with amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that keep your skin beautiful and healthy. It also includes antioxidant ferulic acid and organic compound allantoin that heals and soothes your skin.
Simply rinse uncooked rice to remove all the impurities and dirt. Soak it again in water for about 15 to 30 minutes. Strain it and your rice water is ready! Here’s how you can use it –
- Facial Cleanser: Cleanse your face with rice water to make it feel soft and look radiant. Add it as a part of your everyday skincare routine to give it essential vitamins and minerals.
- Facial Toner: Simply pour a little bit of rice water on a cotton pad and apply the same on your clear skin. This will help minimize the open pores and tighten the skin to make it bright and smooth.
- Hair Rinse: When you rinse your hair with rice water, it adds shine and keeps your hair healthy and strong. Once you are done with the shampoo and conditioner, pour a good amount of rice water on your hair. Gently massage and rinse thoroughly with tap water.
- Hair Conditioner: You can use rice water as a conditioner.Mix it with a few drops of essential oil and apply after shampoo. Wait for about 10 minutes and rinse properly.
Rice is an overall healthy product. If you are buying groceries, make sure you add a few packets of rice as well! It not only provides a healthy and balanced diet but also nourishes your skin and hair. If you are searching “basmati rice Toronto”, visit Goodie Grocer and get the best premium-quality rice at affordable prices.