January 20, 2025

How Can Google Find My Website?

How Can Google Find My Website?,Google Find My Website

Google has several different sources to get information from and this includes the user submitted content, web pages, book scanning, public databases throughout the internet and several other sources. However, when it is about finding a website, it is all about web pages. Google usually follows three basic steps to get results from the web based pages. These steps are as follows:

Crawling: This is the first step in order to find out the pages that exist on the web. There is not any central registry of all the web pages and therefore Google constantly searches for the new pages and adds them to the list of its known pages. Some pages are already known as they have already been visited by Google. Then there are other pages discovered when Google follow the link from a new page. Moreover, there are pages that are discovered when website owners submit a list of pages for Google crawling. If you are making use of a managed web host, then they might indicate Google to crawl to any new pages or updated that your site has. Once Google finds your page it crawls it to see what is there on it. It renders and analyses the text, overall layout and non-text content to decide if it should be appearing in the search results or no. The better Google understand your site, better will it match the people looking for the type of content you have published.

Indexing: Once Google discovers your web page, it tries to comprehend what that page is about. This process is referred as indexing. Google analyses the content on the pages, video files embedded, and the catalog images on the pages. In other words, it tries to understand the page. The extracted information is then stored on the Google index. It is a huge data base stored in uncountable computers.

Ranking: When a consumer or a user types in a query, search engine like Google tries to find the relevant answers from the index following several factors. It tries to get the highest quality answers, and other factors which it considers include that it must provide the most appropriate answer. It is done considering the things such as language, user’s location, and device i.e. is it a phone or a desktop. For instance, if one is searching or “bicycle repair shops” the search engine would present several answers to the user in his nearby location. Google does not accept any payment for the page ranking rather it is done in a programmed manner.

For improved website ranking business owners must hire professional SEO services. Business Trends is one of the reliable SEO service provider offering different SEO packages in Karachi. These SEO packages in Karachi have been deigned considering different needs of businesses. You will be presented with all these SEO packages in Karachi and you will decide which one will meet your particular requirements. Other than SEO services, they also amuse the customers with website development in Karachi, website maintenance services, website hosting services in Karachi, and so on. Access their official site i.e. www.businesstrends.com.pk for more details.

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